
Today I packed full a large SUV called an Acadia, and staged almost everything else left in the southern rental, in preparation for a quick drive and unload tomorrow, and trading out for another cargo van, with which to move a last bed, a desk, a coffeemaker or two, the medicine chest, cleaning supplies, bookcases, some scattered fragile mementos, and let’s face it, some junk that isn’t worth moving but which needs to be dealt with somehow in the short term.

On Friday the shed delivery is again scheduled, a much anticipated event which again may or may not happen. The single driver for the two states had a father-in-law die of the Rona. It’s hard to be an outraged consumer, under circumstances like that.

It’s coming down to the end with a stutter step, either way.

The cat is bewildered at the emptied house, and seems to sense that soon she will be moving herself, one more chunk of crated and precious cargo. The place we’re going is her original homeland down to the square foot, albeit on the inside of the sliding glass door instead of the outside this time. It will be interesting to see how she takes it.

On the other side of the country today, my most devoted reader had her surgery. I made time for a quick text that didn’t do a very good job of expressing my concern and love for her. I do love you girl, and am praying in my pagan way that the precise knifing marks the end of this shit and the beginning of a brand new fully loved life. Goddess speed, toward your recovery, darling.

I never will tell you about the top three fiscal priorities as noted earlier, because they are in a state of constant flux.

I will tell you briefly what the note TOTGLEC means though.

The One True GNU/Linux Everything Certification.

It’s the one thing from professing that I still care deeply about learning, and turning around to teach.

I love the idea of operating systems, and this one (in the generic) is what I use, because it’s the most free.

The online certification testing products I used for class were dull and spotty and often missed the point of that freedom. Many times I was convinced that the talking heads in their videos had no real idea what the words they were parroting even meant.

It’s the one thing I think I could do way way better than anyone else I’ve ever seen try, and the love and the freedom are why.

On this early July day, even starting something like that seems a long ways away. I have to make sense of this shitstorm of stuff first. I should probably find a real job that amps the pension first. On and on. But in all this time of trying to figure out a way to create content that would plausibly generate independent income, this is the only one that has continued to appeal practically and spiritually.

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