Beloved Character

I won’t define myself by what I watch, am a fan-of.

Nevertheless. A mentor saith once to Patrick Stewart:

“You will never achieve success by trying to insure against failure.”

He came to understand that this meant–You have to risk, stepping into the unknown. (It’s not enough to just drown
In the kiss. You have to
fling yourself into the pit too.)

The gulf
between its professed values
and its behavior;
consistency is optional but integrity is not.
(The proximate reference is to Jefferson, the slaveholder and author of “all men are created equal”.) Thus, see wage slavery as below.


GOP Insiders Claim Trump May DROP OUT Of Presidential Race

Drop out, you say.

So … listen, liberal … What if he does? There goes your top and maybe only reason to vote for Joe Biden. “We have to get rid of Donny Tinyhands.” If he gets rid of himself, tell me, why I am supposed to vote for the blue dog alzheimer neolib corporatist again?

So listen Bernie. What now bro? Your only argument for Good Friend Joe goes away. How about a third party now, Bernie? What’s stopping you now? What REALLY stopping you?

I think it would be straight up gold.

We have not always been in the position of choosing between the lesser of two evils.

And before you shrug that off as ancient history, consider this.

Twenty-eight years ago, and the split handed the election to the centrist Democrat.

So even beyond the remote opportunity of Bernie finally doing the smart right thing for once, what if Justin Amash jumped back in?

I’ve liked him since he looked at the Snowden revelations and was quickly prompted to push a bill defunding the hero’s former employers and their unconstitutional surveillance. A bill which was shot down by 17 blue dog Dems in the House, including the one that was supposed to be representing me at the time. (A pox on you Anne Kirkpatrick; no votes from me again ever.)

I don’t agree with most of the Libertarian agenda Amash would push, but so what? He’s not going to win …

But he might give me something moderately constructive to do with my vote.

Which is something I don’t have right now today.

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