Once More Early

Coming back to consciousness deep in the wee hours after sleeping only four, I was thinking about the house on Lake Shore Drive, and how low I’ve fallen, from the tree in a pair of generations. But then I’ve risen too, looked at from the angle of the family’s other half and the legendary thirty-dollar a month apartment.

After coffee I walked out to get in the car and go get water, and was met with a truly glorious sight.

In the east, first light.

In the west the jagged rangy mountain was clear in outline. Nestled among the crags was a very full moon. It was setting, but I didn’t know that for sure right away.

Theresa was right about one thing, and that was the admonition to get out into The Nature, even if it is denatured.

Because thinking about ourselves/myself is a thing I can’t help but doing to excess anyway, which makes a dull boy.

In fact even noting it leads this down the wrong road.





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