Planet of the Mainthing

Sharing a few responses to the movie.

The best one I saw was this. Two young privileged Americans, floored by the truth, and recently converted to the idea of not buying anything, or buying anything new instead of used. At some point the feminine half of the couple breaks down in honest tears. I liked it, because it’s the rational human response, and I use the phrase advisedly.

The one caveat to my liking, though, is that what moved her to tears was the plight of those poor people over there, not the fate of us over here, or the species itself. A very elite liberal thing, alas. Also, some days later, she will post a second video, the point of which seems to be that she’s watched Josh Fox and read Bill McKibben, and their responses have given her relieved reasons to doubt the message of the film. Good news, everyone. Ehh.

As Sheldon Solomon says in a sort of response video of his own * even if you don’t want to go all the way with the film’s point of view, you shouldn’t plan on just continuing to jet around the world on holiday, only via solar-powered aircraft …

Solomon’s reaction, like Michael Moore’s own in Rumble #75, is still rather more optimistic than makes sense to me. There’s a lot of We Gotta Do This! And that! in the approach. But as Moore is fond of pointing out, they told us for years that 350 ppm of atmospheric carbon was the point of no return from catastophe, and we are way past 400 now.

Activism is Moore’s brand and his religion. I’m not against it, and I’m not damning him–he’s certainly done way more than I ever have for the causes of the Good and the Righteous. But I can’t get excited about the prescriptions, either, because the situation is terminal.

It might yet be that activism is the correct response, even if it’s hopeless. Just like how we continue to recycle, even though it’s all ending up in the landfills if not the oceans anyway.

My response will be incorrect, though, for general purposes, and it’s still very much in the process of evolving.

  • Not linking, because I couldn’t finish watching, due to production-value problems, which included the Canadian interviewer being unable to control the barking dog in his house. You can always go to YT, search on the film title, and then re-order the results by upload date. It’s recent. That’s what I’ve been doing.

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