Rolling Boil

The human can imagine, and transform imagination back into reality, sometimes;
and imagining brings us to know also the unavoidable fact of death.

Imagination and Creativity produce Awe, which liberates, in spurts.
Awareness of Mortality at any moment produces Dread, which paralyzes.

Imagining god’s heaven or some other immortality
is how we try to resolve the dread of hell on earth.

Collective imaginative strategies are called Cultures.
Cultures minimize death anxiety is by telling us a story, that says we are "Persons, of Value."

i am not more valuable than a coati or a juniper tree
Maybe you or Brianha are, but i’m just spam with a plan and no can.

I’ve been denatured by my culture, by civilization itself in fact,
But I am working hard to die free, which is to say Uncultured.

In my very last uncultured opera, entitled Reverend Martin Idaho
All potatoes will hear the gospel of how to live together in peace and harmony, justice and equality.
His birthday will become a national holiday in Februrary.
And the news will never mention that he was killed for daring to bring together the poor brown potatoes and the poor red ones into a people’s coaltion against the real oppressor
Which lives like a parasitic blight in their own genetic code.

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