The Fire Next Time

So with that as disordered prologue, let’s turn to an interview with another of the apparently honorable members of the failed Sanders campaign. Clickbaity headline which is maybe not wrong.

Bernie Secretly Agreed To Take Billionaire Money Says Former Staffer

This former staffer is called Nick Brana. Interviewed by Jimmy the Dore, and not for the first time.

Like yesterday’s post, this one will be another in a series of them that isn’t about politics, even though the context is political.

I’m not here to record a debate, or tell you what a worthless shit someone is, or even to try to figure out whether to waste my vote in November on Justin Amash, or Jesse Ventura, or Holden Caufield. These things are not all that important at the moment, if they ever really were anyway.

What matters more are those insights that began to develop after watching Planet of the Humans, and in particular the four minutes of Sheldon Solomon.

If you’ve followed that arc here intensely and seriously, and then watch the Brana interview above, I don’t think I’ll have to point out anything–the insight creates itself, I think.

But in case you’re not reading me like an overheated student should, I’ll just point in a direction, like an old disordered sensei ought.

The broken Sanders campaign is a perfect experiment in human nature.

At the top of it, you have a couple of clear Goats, like Weaver and even dear Chuck Rocha, who cut their losses and went straight to where the evil money is, creating a superPAC for the express evil purpose of converting Bernie voters into Biden voters, and carving off a chunk of the blood money for their personal careerist benefit, naturally, in the process. This is exactly how the DNC hacks work, and so their own actions condemn them. There is no ultimate difference between Jeff Weaver and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, regardless of rhetoric or the varying nakedness of their avarice and corruption.

The next tier down are the apparently honorable Sheep (I use this word in the New Testament sense), like Nick and Briahna, who are cut loose themselves by the losses, cast back upon the world to make their own way. Brianha, as discussed in the last post, makes the best of it, landing with amazing grace on both feet, with a good life to live going forward, integrity and honor apparently perfectly intact.

As for the candidate himself, he might have been the victim of various goats near and far, or he might be fatally flawed by a streak of mild senatorial goatery in his mortal soul. I reserve judgment on that for now, and in any case it doesn’t change the outcome.

What the morality play tells us is that there are far too few people truly interested in transcending their own interests.

Even for many of the smart, lovely, and relatively well-off people on the very best team, the logic of Not Me, Us … isn’t much more than just another brand that they think they can sell at a profit.

The profit, mostly financial, but a little bit moral too, in some rationalized feel-good virtue-signal sense, is what matters.

The hard-coded soft greed of the human species, even among our best, is usually just too much to overcome.

This is under absolutely ideal circumstances.

It doesn’t count the unashamedly greedy capitalists.

It doesn’t count the vast majority of people who have neither the luxury nor the inclination to question things this deeply.

Even among the three, or five, or ten or twenty percent of the best …

Half will succumb and sell out when the shit hits the fan.

In announcing his SuperPAC, Evil Weaver notes that Bernie will not approve of its formation officially … but …

“Each of us has to make our own decision about how to move forward.”

Quite so. Dogs eat dogs. Every bloody man for himself.

When the Weaver grandchildren graduate from the best colleges money can buy, there will be no five or six figure millstone of debt hung ’round their necks.

The hidden cost of that system–that thousands of others will wear the millstone, under Biden or Trump or whatever corrupt puppet is picked to rule next–is not as compelling an argument in the end, as the simpler I’ve Got Mine.

This is the essence of why hope is not rational any longer.

The PAC, by the way, is cyncially named Future To Believe In.

I’m sure it will end up worth millions.

I’m sure we will burn and drown.

One thought on “The Fire Next Time

  1. Planet of the Humans is getting a biomass truckload of pushback. For example:

    Filmmaker Josh Fox responds to Michael Moore on bombshell climate film

    My counter-response is simply this. Should the Green New Deal go ahead full steam like yesterday? HELL FUCKING YES. It’s not going to, nor tomorrow either, and not next year, should Biden OR Trump be elected. But leaving that aside, let’s say I’m wrong, and January 15, 2020, newly appointed Secretary of Climate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is given a few trillion dollars to make it so.

    Problem solved? I think not.

    The film tells why. Follow the Solomon thread to its logical conclusion.

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