Not TaterLizard

Perhaps those selections work for the poetry of Sheldon’s life.
But I will set as my reminder instead::

i am not more valuable than a coati
or a juniper tree.

Like all life we have an instinct toward self-preservation.
Unlike most, we can also do abstract symbolic thinking.
We can imagine, and sometimes
transform imagination back into reality.

We are thus the part of the creation that also Creates;
The species who imagine we Exist
we are Conscious we are Self-Aware.
Imagining we exist, we can also imagine the day we won’t.

The two unique human emotions are Awe and Dread.
Imagination and Creativity produce the Awe.
Awareness of Mortality at any moment produces the Dread — Being destined to die and knowing it is a rational and natural cause for overwhelming and paralyzing anxiety.

We try to imagine ways to get past that inevitable dread.
These complex interlocking Ways are called Cultures.
Cultures are collective strategies for managing the threat of the dread of death. We imaginatively construct, maintain, and share beliefs as antidotes to the dreadful reality that things, including us, die.

The main mechanism by which cultures minimize anxiety is by telling us a story, that says we are "Persons, of Value."
A Buddhist would say: you have to cut through the veil of the illusion of your own esteemed superior value, to be free.

i am not more valuable than a coati
or a juniper tree, and neither are you.

Another anti-dread mechanism of Culture is the Promise of Immortality, of one kind or another, and there are lots of kinds, to include living forever because your books are assigned reading in high schools a few centuries from now.

"When we embrace cultural worldviews and glean self-esteem from perceiving that we’re meeting or exceeding the standards of value associated with them, this keeps mortal terror at bay."

The price of keeping that dog off us is slavery to a lie.

The first lie is that you’re better than a potato.
Then the next: you’re better than a lizard.
And so on; you’re better than a n!gger, better than a f!ggot, better than a trumper or a jew or an illegal or a jailbird or a homeless mental or those people that live in trailers–any number of these culturally and subculturally defined lies, world without end, amen.

Also, by the way, the guy who died for your sins is better than you, and all those rich people? They deserve to have more money–it’s evolution. They are smarter. They worked harder. They’re better than you just like the jesus. Too bad!

Your boss has more value as well and that’s why they give him more money than they give you, and so on up through the vice-presidents to the tippy top, meaning obviously Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Michael Bloomberg, the most valuable Persons of all, way better than any potato.

With all that covered in conscious and subconscious belief, we can say it’s no wonder you are depressed. But maybe it would be better to think that depression is nothing but a chemical imbalance, and that it can therefore be treated into irrelevance by the medications that fix the imbalance.

If you have the co-pay for it of course.

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