Fresh take from the Doel side, basically the same story.

New Trump Ad Demolishes Nancy Pelosi

Hear him. This is no Trumper. He’s a freaking Canadian and he’s bleeding for US. He can’t believe what he’s seeing, down in the Grutest Kuntry on Earf.

This shot is from another DD video posted fresh:

Again, same story from a different angle.

Again, she’s talking about something that would personally save me a little grief–funding COBRA, instead of doing what she should and sticking it in the eye of the insurance lobby with MFA, for all those poor saps in the endless line outside the Maryland supermarket.

Fuck me, Nancy. Save those poor bastards, if by some longshot there’s a trace of humanity left in your stupid fat elitist head.

Meantime Kyle Kulinski has 25 minutes on why he’ll pass on Biden too.

These three guys are making a difference. I’ve given up on NPR, all but given up on DemocracyNow, even.

Three ‘Tubers, a few more like Michael Brooks and Aaron Mate’ and Max Brooks sometimes, a tiny cluster of podcasts. All I need for now.

Especially since it’s well past time that I go back to what I do love, and what I can change, and stop getting wound up about the politics, here and elsewhere in life.

Maybe of a Wednesday.

One thought on “PtII

  1. I’m cramming in one more superfresh Kyle video before I calm down.
    This one tells you exactly WHY Nancy isn’t going to listen to dying people, or me.

    Dems Propose Bailout Of Mafia Health Insurers After $776k Bribe

    Or rather three-quarters of a million reasons, and more where that came from.

    Something is rotten in the state of Murika, and the dead fish smell doesn’t change one little bit when you sit on the other side of the aisle.

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