Noticing Week Begin

Dore, not to be confused with the equally esteemed Doel, has kept burning of late.

I recommend to you this one as a taste:

Pelosi Chooses COBRA Over Med4all

You’re never going to have to worry that I’ll vote for Trump. But seriously–watch this and tell me with a straight face that these bags of shit called corporate Dems are one bit better … ?

Do I worry about Orangina getting to replace the notorious RBG as a Supreme? Sure.

But the working class is dying out here. We don’t have bandwidth for these finer points of political nicety. We need health care. We need UBI. We need a fair shot at life. Liberty. The pursuit of a moderate happiness. Now.

We need what every other developed or half-developed country in the world already has and we can’t afford to go on waiting like we did all through the Thanks Obama years.

Nancy, die in a mansion fire for all I care.

Rapey Uncle Joe, or whoever’s got their hand up your puppet ass this week–convince me. Convince me that you’re any better. Please. And do a really good job. And do it soon.

Or I’m jumping on the DemExit train and never looking back, and I won’t be jumping alone.

One thought on “Noticing Week Begin

  1. See also:

    Chomsky Pushes 40 Year Old Failed Voting Strategy

    What I believe is this.
    Eighty year olds like Noam Chomsky, and Bernie Sanders too, grew up in an abundant America where you could truly and completely hold onto your integrity, be your real self, and still find a niche somewhere in academia or government to build a modest success of your life.

    If I’m being honest, I had a taste of it too. Early on, there were the libraries, the public radio, and that provided enough for a young me without many needs. Later there was the last best college, and it worked to a point, until it hit the wall and just fucking didn’t anymore. The goon middle managers at this last place get a fish face when they look at a mostly unbroken, mildly rebellious, integrity-prone face in the crowd, and I’ve knocked around the counties enough to know that this is our world now.

    (It won’t stop me from trying to game the increasingly shitty system for two more little years. I’ll try and we’ll see. It’s an even money gamble at this point, and even if I get that far, there are no guarantees in the apocalypse.)

    Dore and I are pretty much the same age, certainly the same generation, the same temperament, and the same class.

    We don’t have the margin in our lives to indulge in noblesse oblige the way Bernie and Noam do. There’s no room in our lives for thoughtful, incrementalist patience. We can’t fucking afford it.

    I take back what I said about Nancy and fires.

    But that’s as much generosity of spirit as I can possibly muster just now.

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