Fifth Of

Something strong, but wait.

This would be a good night to see what wine there is.

The dusty ‘cellar’ proved to be quite stocked with uninspiring colonial Cabernets. But there was one piquant Shiraz. I poured it into the Rebel glass.

Once upon a month ago, there was still The One Story, and it was about the
Unstoppable Ascendancy of Sanders Socialism.
A month later the One story is about a killer virus and a world in quarantine.

There is a crossroads and a crux between the two.

It is called: 96-0.

This is the margin by which the Senate passed the vile and catastrophic third ‘stimulus’.

Sanders was one of the ninety-six. And Warren of course, and the rest of the Biden endorsing chumps, but they haven’t been a serious issue ever.

Sanders was. Once upon a month ago.

On the House side, our gal Alexandria laid down a mighty screed against the ‘stimulus’ for all the right-sounding reasons, and then voted for it too, in keeping with her newly discovered inner pragmatism.

But hey, there was one guy who didn’t go along.

A fucking Kentucky Republican. Who is a climate change doubter and apparently dumb as a rock in six other ways …. and yet …

He saw the truth this time, and his voice cried into the wilderness.

That screengrab is from a Jimmy Dore segment.

Jimmy is super pissed at Bernie for his fecklessness, at Ocasio-Cortez for her refusal to endorse progressives across the country, including ones she has in the past, pissed at everyone and everything that ever promised hope to the people in the days before the coronation of Rapey Demented Uncle Joe, the man born to lose worse than Hillary ever could to the Orange Man.

Before the cementing of inequality per The Shock Doctrine.

By the way.

Odds are against me seeing eighty years. If I do make it that far, it would be nice if I was alive in the brain, like Bernie is, even if I’m a feckless pussy, like Bernie currently is.

If I’m rapey and rambly and an embarassment to myself and my kin, I would seriously be obliged if somebody took me out behind the barn and put a bullet in my head, or slipped me a nice little needle full of sleepy drift-off for dirt naps.

I’m not joking.

Jill Biden, do what love demands, girl.


Behind Jimmy Dore’s stoned and utter rage, there’s other smart people with less vivid but similar takes.

Michael Moore was so depressed over the 96-0 that his podcast went silent for days on end, as he explained when he came limping back.

All the good people with at least half a brain, and even Tom Massie besides, know what happened that day.

This is not Da Gruttest Country On Da Earth anymore baby.

THIS is the fucking shithole of capitalism even in health care, the place where the self-evident truth is that no one is created equal, and no one’s life matters more than capital, or the markets.

I still want my Silver Dream.

But more and more I am tempted, to hug my little pension to my beating heart and find a piece of Canada or Costa Rica and run for it; run for my literal god damned life.

One thought on “Fifth Of

  1. If you can’t stand to listen to Dore’s screeching versions (I’m with you), give Monday’s softer take a try:

    The point here being that an even softer tier of true progressivism, more tie-wearing than Michael Moore, are beginning to say the same things. See Krystal on the Hill, but also Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, and on down the line into the serious, thoughtful intelligentsia of people with heart.

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