
Some mostly graphical … biogeodata.

This is from the New York Times and it’s being updated nearly in real time. Check the link to see how your area is doing so far, and god help you if you’re in New York itself.

Maybe more interesting (and terrifying) is not so much where we stand today, but what’s going to happen if the government keeps fucking around.

For that, see CovidActNow to see what your state is doing, and what that means for when (not if) your available medical assets will be overwhelmed.

A couple of bits of long-form reading:

Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance

How the Pandemic Will End
"After infections begin ebbing, a secondary pandemic of mental-health problems will follow. At a moment of profound dread and uncertainty, people are being cut off from soothing human contact." Which puts me in mind of the previous post.
At least I may have a little immunity to that now.

There’s all kindsa batlike thoughts flitting in my head right now. Here’s a few.

I’m wondering a lot about which bills to stop paying. I think I’ll pay April’s rent. Right now I’m doubting I’ll pay May’s. The student loans are definitely being cut now, because I’m eight or nine months ahead anyway. Everything else is somewhere in between.

I think maybe I should buy a car while interest rates are at zero and I’m still technically employed. What if I can’t afford it? Well, would you want to have a job repossessing cars in this environment?

The same goes for a refi on that sweet white elephant of a house up there.

And a Lowe’s shed for it, because all this shit of hers and mine needs a place of last resort to go to.

Today’s MikeMoore podcast had a guest on who suggested that hot takeout food is just as safe as the groceries. In both cases its the packaging that’s more dangerous. And of course, the people who prepare, or stock the food, respectively.