It’s been almost three full years since the summer of my cozy life imploding.
In the early going, up to about the halfway point of those three years, my mental health was poor. I’d never felt anything but perfectly sane up until then, but I started to sense what going a little mental was all about. The stress was intense, and my shoulders hurt all the time. My psyche felt fragile.
In the second half, the last twelve months especially, I’ve slowly recovered by fits and starts, going back and forth from fair to good, and even edging over into excellent sometimes.
In the early months of 2020 I’ve felt quite stable and rational most of the time. Not always productive or fulfilled, but not broken either.
I don’t think the outbreak is having a seriously relapsing effect on my sanity.
But I will say that for tangential reasons? I do feel scattered, inefficient … at sea.
I think what I’m taking into my body has changed pretty radically and that might be why.
One, withdrawal from the nicotine, almost completely.
Two, my diet. I’ve dipped into restaurant food a couple times, but almost totally I’ve been just grocery shopping and eating at home. This has meant, as it usually does, very little meat.
In the year of regaining sanity I ate out most nights, and normally that involved a big chunk of something carnivore.
Also, I’m back on all the right meds, except that the naturopath and the allopath disagree on whether I should be taking the thyroid.
I think I’ll try quitting that for a bit–my scatteredness seems to have that trembly edge that too much T3/T4 can give you.
At least I’m doing better than Joe. That man is falling apart on live TV.
No links about it, because politics. But for the most comprehensive coverage, for some reason, check out the Australian news channels.
Maybe I should quit watching, just in case that’s infectious too.