You can add The Humanist Report to the short list. He’s not always On, as we used to say in club life, but when he’s mad, he’s sharp and funny. I more or less concur totally with
his take on the Tulsi thing and the fogpath forward.
Which is that the hyperleft absolutely must withhold our votes from the DNC, unless and until the DNC is no longer the unicorns and rainbows half of the Corporatist Party That Rules Everything.
The same take as a lot of other smart people, like Kyle K. as listed previously. What about the poor children in cages on the border? Obama had them too. You can’t charge them to my account because I refuse to vote for your fascist ‘moderate’ candidates.
Here’s the one place where I feel like this shared consensus is fatally flawed.
How come we still don’t know who won Iowa really?
How come California still has votes to count?
What if the whole thing is really and truly rigged?
In that case, our piously withheld votes aren’t actually hurting the DNC wing of the Corporatist Party, because votes don’t actually matter, except as theater. Democracy is a toxic joke and lie at every level. Revolution will never occur via the ballot.
In that case.