OK Corral

15 minutes before shots are really fired.

Neither of these guys is in charge. This is a rhetorical battle about proposals.

Almost completely pointless bullshit. Twentytwo minutes.

It’s a crisis. Yup. Sure is.

Interest rates were cut again. I didn’t know that. Definitely getting to be time to refi.

Half an hour–Sanders finally says it. The world will change permanently. How?

Thirtyeight minutes, something beyond the virus. Plain old health care to start.

Biden wants no revolution. Payforit Payforit Payforit.

Bernie says inequality is massive and getting worse faster and faster.

Fortytwo minutes. Shit hits the fan. Bernie finally for the first time ever, calls Biden corrupt, still not using the word. No Joe. I don’t want to join you. Join me.

Fortyfive minutes: Joe said cut socSec. Joe said deregulate. Check the vids, bitch.
The jugular is gone for. Sanders walks him through it surgically.

At 59 minutes, Biden’s drugs wear off and he starts stumbling. It took longer than I thought it would.. Just after, they break at the top of the hour. When they come back it’s a softball about women and Joe hasn’t recovered. He’s foggy and deerheadlighty.

It’s very clear that the Sanders candidacy is pushing Biden hard to the left.

It’s equally clear that if and when Biden is coronated, he’ll pivot back in a heartbeat.

After an hour and a half, I have the sense that this is too little too late, and I’m praying for a stroke now instead of a stroke later, god help me.

I’m wrapping up early as they go into closing viral statements.