Slow Wave

A quarter of the caffeine you drink at noon is still in your bloodstream at midnight.

You go through withdrawal every night, and the morning brew is hair of the dog.

The Peet of Peet’s Coffee was the OG of coffee as the enlightened know it today. It happened in Berkeley (at more or less the same time and in the same neighborhood I was there) and the Starbucks guy studied under him.

The cultivation is threatened by climate change and might be half what it is today in a few years.

Michael Pollan said these things.

2 thoughts on “Slow Wave

    • Or at least your only publicly acknowledged one. ; ) (I might be projecting a little there.)

      I brought the Pollan interview up in class this week–drawing an analogy between caffeine addiction and mobilePhone/socialMedia addiction. In the author’s terms they’re both very ‘transparent’ drugs–hard to tell your even on them until you try to stop.

      I bought coffee today at the Co-op, a pound of Ethiopian ground for French Press, for the morning quart. But the emergency supply is in pod form, and it’s Peet’s, so I’m going to have one right now in the early evening just so we’re asynchronously sharing. I’m addicted to feeling close to you!

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