If I am, and I am, your problem child
I’m a problem that’ll solve itself.
This ran through my mind specifically
about my local situation.
I shouldn’t care about completing my probation paperwork
Because being marginally approved to go back to work here in the fall
isn’t a thing I want
isn’t a thing that’s going to happen either way.
There’s a loose connection between my small political situation and the big one.
A lovely pair of Doels will tell the tale.
Yesterday. Michael Bloomberg thinks ‘disportionately’ is a word. He’s wrong about that, and about his own racist policies. How does he imagine these uncovered tapes are going to play among the black elecorate? How does he imagine that he can become the nominee without them? Does he think the tsunami of his money is going to get enough stupid people on board to elect him? Does he seriously think he’s any better than Trump?
The second part of this video is about some CNN lackey being outraged, not by Bloomberg’s open racism, but at the journalist who dared to locate and publish it.
It turns out, shockingly, that Ms. Outrage has been on Bloomberg’s payroll in the past, and for all we know still is. She’s a completely corrupt paid liar who doesn’t say a word about her conflict of interest.
Today. CNN’s own dear Andersoncoopery good boy asks Bernie about James Carville’s unhinged rant about socialist cults. Bernie just laughs and says, without evident malice, that Carville is just a political hack.
Which is funny because it’s true, and yet no one else has pointed it out in the decades that Carville has been put on the TV over and over again, offered up as some kind of wise elder statesman who understands political reality.
The wise elder statesman was on the team of Michael Bennett, who managed to scrape together a couple of hundred votes in New Hampshire, and then dropped out of the race the same day. So much for informed punditry.
If Donald Trump gets another four years to force his shit down our throats, it’s not Michael Bloomberg that will be to blame for it.
It’s going to be the direct fault of James Carville. Hillary Clinton. Dear Obama. John Kerry, and all the younger parts of the so-called centrist establishment who put loyalty to their class interests above the will and welfare of the people.
It’s going to be the fault of the DNC, and they know this, and they don’t care. Many of them have said openly that they won’t vote for the Democratic nominee for President, if his last name is Sanders.
I understand that, because I wouldn’t and didn’t vote for their nominee last time, for mirror opposite reasons.
But the thing is–there were enough of me, to matter in 2016. People who felt just as I did, and lived in states that mattered, like Michigan and Wisconson. A few of them voted for Trump. But mostly they just stayed away and became members of the largest political party in the country (as Michael Moore says)–the NonVoter party.
There are not enough James Carvilles to matter, electorally.
But they’ve got a lot of money and entrenched power. So if they ratfuck Bernie again, and piss on the will of the people again, and fix it so that some robot puppet like Pete, or some literal Republican like Bloomberg, is the nominee by nefarious means …
Trump will win again.
And for basically the same reason as the first time.
James. Tom Perez. Debbie Wassermuffin Schitz. Please listen.
The days of you running things is over.
Get the fuck out the way, before you put somebody’s eye out with that thing, that machine you ran for so long.
Think of the goddamn children, in cages in Laredo, drinking brain-damage water in Flint. Think of your own goddamn grandchildren burning to death in the methane sun, or drowning in the condos of Martha’s Vineyard.
Shut the fuck up and let democracy happen.
It’s the only thing that will make any difference at all. Probably not even enough. But at least you’ll rest easy in your flooded graves. I promise.