I was in the cool part of the cool town again today, for the third time in a week. I should be telling you about the quiet moments there. The little gems of conversation, the color of the sky.

But tonight here’s what’s motivating my spillage instead.

Donald Trump is not the enemy.

Most of the people that voted for Trump–they’re not the enemy either.

Sure, he’s a dangerously stupid buffoon. Sure, some of them believe in the kind of God who hates fags. Those things are true, and should be said up front.

But listen.

What does Orangeman really care about? The one thing that most Americans care about. Money, and piling it up, and using it like a weapon to make things easier for you, and the people who look like you, and the people who think like you, and have money too.

Tax cuts for the wealthy. Opposition research on Joe Biden’s corrupt son, for the purpose of holding onto power. A wall to keep those greedy starving Hondurans out of the one percent picnic, unless we can maybe hire them to cut the grass on golf courses for subhuman wages.

The rich half of the Republican party uses scare tactics on the poor half, to retain whatever grip on power they can manage. That Honduran is coming to take your job. Hate him. Don’t hate us, for paying him to be here. Don’t hate us, for taking his child away and putting it in a cage.

The Democratic party is exactly the same. Oh, they say "immigrants" instead of "illegals". They say LGBTQ instead of dyke, fag, or tranny. They might even vacation in shithole countries, and buy a few virtue signalling points at the water cooler. There isn’t any rawness in their language or approach, most of the time. But under the smoother exterior, the game of money and power is not one bit differernt.

As proof I offer this.

If you don’t want to spend twenty minutes watching it, I’ll just tell you the point.

It’s Jimmy Dore reading a long list of tweets by Kevin Gosztola.

Each tweet tells you a little bit about one of the people the Democrats just put on their convention committees.

Spoiler alert: They’re a huge mob of rich, corrupt bullshitters who have a D next to their name that makes absolutely no difference in the real world.

The D and the R … this is just a fashion statement, in post-democratic America.

These people hate Bernie Sanders. Not because he’s a bad person. Not because he’s a sexist or anti-Semitic, or any of the other things they ludicrously accuse him of being.

They hate him because he’s the real thing. An unbought politician, who actually puts the needs of the people above the wishes of the greedy fucks who run this horrifying shitshow we call a country.

They were all put on these positions by the current weasel-in-chief of the D tribe, Tom Perez, for one reason–to serve as a last-ditch firewall against Bernie at the convention.

To try to defend the moneyed self-interest of their own class against the will of the people.

Some of them are racial minorities. Some of them are women. Some of them are union organizers–none of that matters, any more than the R or the D matter.

They’re a greasy flock of one-percenters and one-percenter wannabes who only care about personal wealth and influence, same as Trump.

You’ll hear these people sniff loudly on TV, and say things that make sense in their bubble, like: Bernie should just go home because he’s not even a Democrat!

Like that’s a bad thing, you sanctimonious greedy pricks.

The people are coming, and you’re right to pull out the dirty playbook and to be very afraid.

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