🐍 yes, but that’s enough about that like I already … … …
from Late Latin radicalis "of roots"
(from PIE root *wrād- "branch, root")
Meaning "going to the origin, essential" is from 1650s.
Political sense of "reformist" (via notion of "change from the roots") is first recorded 1802
All love to Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, mmoore’s guest on the twentieth ep of his podcast, for reminding us what being a radical actually means.
A hot serpentine run into the drying city, for some important acquisitions and things.
I did a lot of thinking about how to approach applying for a job that’s popped up down there, specifically about how to structure the part of my portfolio that is the classes I’ve continued to work so hard on.
The ‘learning management system’ in use at the college is the one I know best, because it’s open source and I’ve therefore pushed hard for my institutions to use it–pretty successfully; in fact making that happen is probably the best job thing I’ve accomplished outside the classroom in a decade.
Because it is free, GPL-licensed software, I can install it on my own servers, and then pull the data that makes up the classes out of the first instance to create a perfect mirror.
And a dramatically meaningful part of a resume.
Anyway, none of my existing web spaces suited the purpose in the end. Late in the night and for an investment of 17 dollars, I pulled the trigger on a new one that would, and I have a shell framework of what I need online already.
Beyond the milk run that was the day’s major achievement.
Also, there’s an open job at the same place worth almost twice as much; a non-teaching, web-administrator gig.
The city is nowhere near the mortgaged northern loft, but the teaching job would be a fallback, and the admin gig would make trying to save little scraps of money blissfully irrelevant.
The applications are due in nine days.