Long May He Run

What I promised to do I did, pulling out in the still darkness, driving the quiet hour, making contact early, basing in the unfamiliar classroom, and playing my role adequately.

From the fug of premature waking to off the clock was less than five hours in the end. It being the first orienting day, I can’t say that they learned all that much. But I did. Mostly after, but a half mile before even arriving there was a slow coyote across the two-lane, also.

To come down off the stress rush of people, I angled home out of route to take care of the Primary thing. I’m now marginally a Democrat and a poorly closeted socialist, just like the guy I’m doing it for, except that he’s more genuinely devoted to secular humanism, and I’m muddily anarcho-primitivist, if we want to do labels.

I expect that between the primary election and the general, I’ll be moving again, not just across party lines but across precinct borders and county lines. The state one will have to wait a while beyond.

Back through the roundabout and park near the coffee place whose mascot is a bathtub. What that’s about I don’t know, but they know their java.

Finally I remembered there might be burritos at Poco, and there were. You remember them from last year? The convenient local supply got wrecked.

But now I’m by the mothership once a week for the next 16
Give or take
Spring Break.