Whitelist me.
On Wednesday night I finally saw the owls, and both of them one right after the other, flitting between the two predicted trees, in the wake of the dean chatter waste of time.
Segue into Thursday and it was a day of easy grace–just prep for the very last class that wasn’t a final, plus I wrote two of the finals as an afterthought and still had time left over.
So next week I have to be around, and grade a few papers and things, but the actual work is over and the coast is clear.
Meanwhile, it’s Thursday night and there are three days waiting cleanly even before the walk of cake. Three days, and then things, and then three more days, and then: three weeks YEAH.
When I got home the cat was behind the washer again, but I left it there. After a few hours it cried out, and I cried back, and I was thinking about getting up to move all that again. But I heard it try leaping once, and then the second time she was just out on her own.
I still haven’t told you about the cat really, but hey good enough for just now. The joke was only starting to get stale.