These two are nearly-qualified for December, and were blatantly shafted by the MSNBC mods last night. It’ll be interesting to see how PBS treats them next time.
These two are the most likely to drop away for December’s debate– the numbers do not look good for them.
Let’s assume for a moment that the annotated four above fade. Seems like a pretty good bet.
Look at how that so clearly splits the plausible nominees.
Biden and Klobuchar are definitely old-school machine politicians and neo-liberals who don’t want real change. As far as Pete and Kamala go, I have near-zero trust in their heartfelt revolutionary zeal. Would I vote for any of them against Trump? Meh. Maybe. Not with any joy, certainly. Not based on what we know so far.
It does finally feel like winter or at least deep fall now these last two days. I have one more class to prep for and deliver today. And then another dive into that which matters, spiced with prep for this next week, shortened by the holiday and another road trip into the next/coming/nonstandard weekend.
Then suddenly it’s December and we’re down to wrapping up another semester. Three and something weeks of crypto-retired bliss ahead, anchored by the solstice. This is where my mind goes now, when I let it go where it wants.