
I’m on fire in some very good ways and I was going to talk about that some, but then I caught up on a weekend’s worth of political junkie BS …

Qualified for the November 19th debate, per Ballotopedia:


(Below this line I have a hard time believing that we’d get anything better out of them than we got out of Obama, in terms of real change–Julian/Tulsi/Marianne excepted.)

Steyer# (I love what you say about climate, buddy, but I still have trust issues.)


*also already qualified for December debate
#partial qualification for December debate


Gabbard is nearly qualified for November and has some progress for December as well.
My very favorite thing about Tulsi is that for some reason she freaks the fuck out of the centrists like the former losing Dem nominee. On the issues I’d rank her in the fourth spot personally, ahead of Booker.

Castro, Williamson, Messam, and the herd of pointless blue dogs collectively have zero progress listed toward qualification for either debate, which probably means they’ve already gone the way of the Beto, whether they’re ready to acknowledge it yet or not.

I found a somewhat useful/somewhat iffy test for seeing who you match up with, and here’s how I fared:


So I’m 90% with Booker, Harris, and Williamson? Something seems amiss. But as a generality and a pleasant distraction, it was fun (you should take it too). And they are probably right in implying that I have Yang ranked too high for my real values. Like I’ve said before, I am a bit smitten because of the honest pessimism that underlies his answers.

And as for Elizabeth, I’d be all over her candidacy, were it not for the fact that I genuinely believe that her commitment to revolution gets just a little questionable when she’s standing next to the Bern–she suffers by comparison, especially when mainstream media insists on saying they’re essentially the same deal.

Maybe I’ll feel differently when I become a nominal capitalist. I doubt it.

One thought on “spearfish

  1. One more thumbs-up for Liz, based on the last video I’m watching tonight–the journos on TYT reviewed her just-released M4A plan and gave it a solid, fact-based blessing. While including the fact that Biden, Pelosi and the rest of the corrupt Dem machine are shitting their pants over it, which is the very best possible sign that Warren is for real.

    I’ll leave my rankings as they are for now, but I’ll think again in two weeks and a day when the remaining 9 or 10 people with any real shot take the stage together again. For what it’s worth.

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