By The Marktwain

# Markdown …
## (LaTeX and HTML) (pdf/odt/docx) … pandoc bash and git

This isn’t a completed post yet. I’m playing.

Developed by [gruber @daringFireball]( His notes: HTML is a publishing format. Markdown is a writing format. Block-level HTML elements — e.g. <div>,
<table>, <pre>, <p>, etc. — must be separated from surrounding
content by blank lines, and the start and end tags of the block should not be indented with tabs or spaces.

In a sense using WordPress as a publication platform makes LaTeX or Markdown or Asciidoc unnecessary.

But I’ve spent the better part of two days learning (about) them anyway.

If I was a real tech blogger instead of a spiller, my site might look like this.

The cool thing on the page for me is this: had announced that they were introducing Markdown into their core features and allowing their users to use it when writing their blog posts, pages and comments.

When new features are added into the ecosystem it is a fairly good bet that before long they will be added to the software.

So we do have that to look forward to.

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