
I have a text file on my computer that lists the Democrats running for President next year. It’s in sort of a rough order of how much I approve, based on how much I know. I alter it as I find out more.

This week I found out a bit more about three of the candidates, from three different podcasts, and based on that two went up the list to varying degrees. The third is a special case.

Cory Booker was on LatinoUSA. I’ve always found him a little on the smarmy side, but he acquitted himself well, answering some very pointed questions by the host with gracefulness. Still several clicks down into the pack from my perspective, but he does say the right things, and the right way usually.

Jay Inslee was on DemocracyNow! He won big with me. Not only is climate his number one issue, but he’s actively pushing the party establishment in the direction of taking it seriously. I like it a lot when anyone smacks them around politically (it often costs the smackers), and on that issue specifically is even better.

Mike Gravel was on SeriouslyWrong. He holds an honorary spot at the top of my list. He’s 88 years old, and is in the race not to win, but just to apply pressure on the fatcats on the question of the endless wars of the Empire. I voted for him in a primary a million years ago back when I could still stand being a Dem officially.

The real issue for that party is whether they’re going to secretly back Biden the same way they secretly backed Hillary. If they do the result will be the same, and fuck ’em.

The time for blue dogs and corporate dems is long past. We’re burning.