To wake in the unconditoned stillness of 99 degrees. The clock is off too, but turns out it’s very early into the afternoon. No computer with much of a charge on it. The bill is due today so I find it in the sweat and go out. At the water office they say the electric is broken all the way down into town. Plus their phones are down too.
It’s not a long drive and the car AC hasn’t even got started by the time I get back.
Things kick back on an hour later but I find myself wishing they’d stayed off a while longer.
Electricity powers distractions most of all.
It powers good things too. Like spilling, But even spilling is only an unalloyed good when it’s backed by switched-off reflection and introspection.
Thus this splash is marginal, damaged.
This is the main thing to work on next. Not shaving or even job applications. Tuning in, turning on, dropping up.