
REM cycles all screwy and messed. Two hours the night before, then home and down early, but woke early too with a bodyfuck headache. Hot bath cold blue pills and down finally for three, woke at noon by the alarm talking.

In the last dream there was a wall of crates stacked six feet with shelter critters. A little orange she-kitten leapt out onto my shirt so I had to keep her.

In real life I suspect I’m done having pets though. As cramping to the style mainly; a drive across the country leaves an owner with few options and none of them good. There’s also the fact that there are a dozen within pretty easy reach, so I’m at the happy grand-parental stage when it comes to dependents of any sort.

In the meantime I’ve got five hours and eight subsections to write up, because it’s a tail-end school-year Wednesday.


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